services: wireguard: image: linuxserver/wireguard:latest container_name: wireguard cap_add: - NET_ADMIN volumes: - /home/rob/docker/wireguard/config:/config ports: # port for wireguard-ui. this must be set here as the `wireguard-ui` container joins the network of this container and hasn't its own network over which it could publish the ports - "5000:5000" # port of the wireguard server - "51820:51820/udp" wireguard-ui: image: ngoduykhanh/wireguard-ui:latest container_name: wireguard-ui depends_on: - wireguard cap_add: - NET_ADMIN # use the network of the 'wireguard' service. this enables to show active clients in the status page network_mode: service:wireguard environment: - SENDGRID_API_KEY - EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS - EMAIL_FROM_NAME - SESSION_SECRET - WGUI_USERNAME=rob.mcewan - WGUI_PASSWORD=5b4wBnqU3J739e3y37hJ - WG_CONF_TEMPLATE - WGUI_MANAGE_START=true - WGUI_MANAGE_RESTART=true logging: driver: json-file options: max-size: 50m volumes: - /home/rob/docker/wireguard/db:/app/db - /home/rob/docker/wireguard/config:/etc/wireguard