# Install Psono Docker # Installation with Docker # If you have docker running, then the database is just one command away: First create the folder for your data e.g.: sudo mkdir -p /home/debian/docker/psono/postgres # Generate keys # Execute the command below to generate your cryptographic keys which you need in the next step. docker run --rm -ti psono/psono-combo:latest python3 ./psono/manage.py generateserverkeys # Send a test email # Start the database container docker run --name psono-database \ -v /home/debian/docker/psono/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data \ -e POSTGRES_USER=psono \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=Cj2BPQLsBCI3 \ -d --restart=unless-stopped \ -p 5432:5432 postgres:13-alpine EMAIL_FROM: 'noreply@rmdigital.io' EMAIL_HOST: 'mail.rmdigital.io' EMAIL_HOST_USER: 'noreply@rmdigital.io' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD : 'Cj2BPQLsBCI3' EMAIL_PORT: 587 EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX: '' EMAIL_USE_TLS: False